Welcome to OPALL

Overcoming Pain and Living Life

OPALL is a 10 week pain science and rehabilitation program created for people who have experienced persistent pain for a long time. The program contains many resources for turning the volume down on physical and emotional pain.

The program CDs consist of a combination of guided imagery combined with sounds and music. OPALL is an easy and effective way to help address stress, anxiety and chronic pain,using relaxation, meditation and mindfulness techniques.
This program has been developed for people living with stress, emotional distress and/or persistent pain.

The two OPALL programs were originally pressed on CDs, but we felt that the Internet would offer easier access for everyone. So in here you will find the same audio tracks, exactly as the original CDs, but saved as MP3 files for easier and faster download. If you do require a CD, please get in touch with us and we will post one to you.

Send your request by email to:

Jean-Charles Crave
Michelle Nicholson